Podcast Episode 012: Busting Hormone Health Myths and Misconceptions with Samantha Gladish

This week Ciara welcomes Samantha Gladish, author of The 30-Day Hormone Solution, host of the Healthy Hormones for Women podcast, and holistic nutritionist and coach. She is a wealth of information when it comes to helping women eat naturally and balance their hormones. Samantha and Ciara talk about overcoming their own health issues and how it’s possible for women everywhere, why hormonal imbalance doesn’t have to be a life sentence, and some great resources for stepping up to the next level of your health.

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In this episode, you will learn more about:

  • What made Samantha connect the dots between her issues with PMS and digestion to the way she was eating and her lifestyle. 
  • As a holistic nutritionist, Samantha not only helps her clients with nutrition and supplement recommendations, but coaches them to develop a lifestyle that builds in proper rest, movement, and stress management or mitigation. 
  • There is a gap in how much women understand their own hormones and how much power they have in healing hormonal imbalance. 
  • Samantha shares her experience of being diagnosed with Autoimmune Hashimoto’s in 2017, and the factors she feels led to the condition. Even as someone that ate healthily and knew a lot about nutrition, she needed to take control and accountability to raise her health another notch.
  • There is always something you can do that can take you to the next level of health.
  • Even if your nutrition is great, you also must have self-care practices in place to set up boundaries and behaviours that consistently set you up for success.
  • It can feel daunting to try and make all the nutritional and lifestyle changes alone. The support of a coach or nutritionist can help significantly.
  • At this time we are all under a massive amount of stress. Samantha and Ciara discuss how these three small things add up to make the biggest differences – sleep, movement, and getting out in nature.

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Get’s Samantha’s Sugar Detox: Holisticwellness.ca/sugardetox


The 30 Day Hormone Solution