If you’ve been wondering what the heck bone broth is and why it’s so popular, you’ll want to watch this video!
Meet Ciara Foy
Toronto Nutritionist and Hormone Specialist Ciara Foy helps overachievers understand their health. By assisting them to prioritize their internal life and create room for self-care, she gets them on track towards becoming their happiest, healthiest, most productive selves.
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Can you post ingredients and directions. Is the 18hrs continual or over separate parts? And at what temperature do you leave it? I can’t imagine leaving a pot on the stove while I sleep. Looks and sounds great would love to try this.
Hi El Be, I didn’t leave it on while I was sleeping. I had it on from 9am-4pm in the slow cooker. Then 4pm to 10:30pm last night. Then since 8am this morning. I bring it to a boil then turn it to a low simmer. I didn’t do anything other than what I explained in the video. Once it’s done I will make chicken and vegetable soup with it and add herbs etc. Hope that helps.
Would it be okay in a slow cooker?
YES! I should have done that, don’t know why I decided to move it to the stove. lol
I love making bone broth but like you said timing is key. i didnt leave my last two batches on long enough and there was zero flavor and zero gelatin. Did you move it to the stove at 4?
Yes, I moved it to the stove at 4pm on the first day.
Oh that looks so delish! Did you add salt or ACV?
thank you so much for the tip,,,wondering at what temp you cook it and how much water do you want to maintain in a whole chicken carcus?
Just keep it really low. I just filled up the pop a little more than half way.
k,,,,but now im thinking il get a slow cooker…lol
I hadn’t added anything at that point Brig, as I plan on flavouring it when I make it into soup. 🙂
OK I heard somewhere that acv can help bring out more nutrients but I guess if you are cooking for 24 hours, you aren’t getting much more out!