If you want to flip the switch on your metabolism to burn more fat, do this!
Effective, but not pretty people! Lol
Meet Ciara Foy
Toronto Nutritionist and Hormone Specialist Ciara Foy helps overachievers understand their health. By assisting them to prioritize their internal life and create room for self-care, she gets them on track towards becoming their happiest, healthiest, most productive selves.
Bahhhhh! I did tabata cycling this morning for the second time. I wanted to die! It honestly makes me want to keel over. Going to try it with sprinting tomorrow!!
I ran for 1km is so a little over 5min, then did 1 4min tabata, then recovered for 2-3min walking/jogging then ran another 2km. When you first start, adding in 1 tabata every 2-3 days is enough. It should be really tough and you need to start slow.
Great video message Ciara. I do sprint intervals and love it!! I feel like I’ve worked so much harder than just steady state cardio.
You feel it and it’s 100% true. You are working much harder and it’s WAY more effective!
Definitely! I struggle to catch my breath for ages afterwards (just like you)…that’s when you know you’ve worked hard.
Always do Tabata runs on the treadmill, love it
Love Tabata runs on the treadmill!!
wow thanks! this really helps me a lot. I will be trying that this weekend!
Bahhhhh! I did tabata cycling this morning for the second time. I wanted to die! It honestly makes me want to keel over. Going to try it with sprinting tomorrow!!
Absolutely love you!
Love you too beautiful! Xo
Christopher Brunke.. your opinion please
so this is basically what you were telling Stephanie Clark about
Thanks for tip sharing
So you did 2 rounds of 4mins?!?! How long was your workout total?
Same question. I just did my first one on the treadmill. Is 25-30 minutes enough for this cardio? It was tough!
I ran for 1km is so a little over 5min, then did 1 4min tabata, then recovered for 2-3min walking/jogging then ran another 2km. When you first start, adding in 1 tabata every 2-3 days is enough. It should be really tough and you need to start slow.
Tammy Gingrich
This was very insightful, thanks!
Love you ciara. I apreciate your strugle.