
When I was a little girl, my Mom would tell me stories about being in Ireland at my Nana’s house at the age of two and fully throwing myself on the floor in a tantrum because I wanted my cabbage now!!…

When I was a little girl, my Mom would tell me stories about being in Ireland at my Nana’s house at the age of two and fully throwing myself on the floor in a tantrum because I wanted my cabbage now!!

So she’d take to giving me raw cabbage…

Strangely enough, both my girls also love cabbage.

My little one has thrown similar tantrums and is always concerned about having “all” of the cabbage on her plate and hates sharing!

Last night I was cooking half a head of cabbage, when I turned around to find my 5-year old eating the other half!

Such a monkey!

What vegetable did you love as a child? Do your kids like it?

Nature or Nurture?